Saturday, October 23, 2010

How do i find better at discussion in need stuttering and like a cat on a hot tin roof breakdown?

sometimes i can't pronounce the word right n sometimes i meHow do i find better at discussion in need stuttering and like a cat on a hot tin roof breakdown?
Get the book "Self Therapy for the Stutterer" published by The Stuttering Foundation and work through it step by step and practice, practice, practice. I come from a people of stutterers and this book was our source of overcoming stuttering.
Cognitive behavioral psychiatric help (CBT) can help next to this. Go to your general practitioner and ask them to refer you to a analyst who is trained to practice CBT. A public speaking class might also help.
I find that if you envisage the sentence or words you are about to speak are written on paper, and you are merely reading them. It really help when you have to speak within front of large groups
of race also. Concentrate more on what you are going to say, than concentrating on trying not to stutter. Purposefully annunciate your words and that help also. Once again you are concentrating on the words and not the stutter.
spit it out man i mean is it yo or yoyo you nouns a wreck get a grip of yourself ever tried freshly writting it down or just not truism anything your spelling is ok but hey..dont bore us anymore you ****** you think contained by a stutter?

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