Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How do you Lucid Dream on constraint?

Are their any ways you can Lucid dream whenever you want?How do you Lucid Dream on constraint?
yes.. its called daydreaming
I do it at work adjectives the time
I can lucid dream and there are ways to increase the frequency.
1. Keep a dream magazine by writing down all your dreams (non-lucid ones).
2. Throughout the day-- approaching 30 times a day-- ask yourself if you are dreaming. Then pinch yourself or look at a clock and see if the numbers change or read something and see if the numbers progress. If you get within the habit of asking yourself surrounded by real natural life, then you will ask yourself when you are dreaming, too.
3. If you are surrounded by a lucid dream and you are trying to make something materialize-- say aloud to yourself-- when I walk around the corner later I will see *whoever*. Don't have them in recent times "appear" suddenly because that is rock-hard to do.
4. If you feel you are losing control of your lucid dream, afterwards spin around. That sometimes can ground you back within.
I practiced and then my lucid dreaming increased, but it be so much work! I quit because increasing them took a lot of time contained by real time.
Good luck lucid dreaming!

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